Herbs and Medicinal Plants
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Welcome to Earth Mother's Healing Medicines

Our journey will begin visiting some of the basic healing herbs and medicinal plants. These plants are more common among many healers and wild plant lovers alike. Learning the basic plants and their edible and medicinal qualities will build a stronger foundation for a journey deep into the wilds of the plant kingdom, where a wealth of treasures lie in store.


Ahhh...Chamomile....one of my favorite plants out of the thousands in Mother's storehouse. When one of my grandchildren has a tummy ache or is restless and cannot sleep, I reach for the chamomile and brew a lukewarm tea, without sweetener if under one year old, as an infant should not be given honey. Chamomile usually soothes the child and helps encourage calm and sleep within minutes. It works well for adults also. Try some warm chamomile tea at the end of a hectic day while soaking in a hot bath tub in candlelight. What a delightful experience! Chamomile is useful for staff and strep infections, stomach aches, cramps, aching legs, and irriable feelings. It also calms the nerves and soothes the soul. Remember your friend chamomile for infections of the kidney and bladder. It is a helpful diuretic and it is safe. Pregnant women should not use chamomile on a regular basis. Seeking serenity??? Drink some chamomile.

Marsh Skullcap
Skullcap is a wonderful remedy for tired nerves and exhaustion. It is often used by herbalists and naturopaths in remedy formulas mixed with oats, golden seal and licorice root for folks recovering from alcoholism and drug addition. The new mother can also benefit from a tea made with skullcap. It repairs damaged nerve connections within the brain.

Oregon Grape
A great liver tonic, oregon grape's roots are often cultivated for numerous remedies and formulas. The berberine, a chemical constituent evident in the yellow color of the roots, stimulates liver and bowel function to help the body in its elimination processes.

Saguaro Cactus
A welcome food in the desert! Very refreshing.

Queen Anne's Lace
An elegant lady with beauty and many uses. This herb is used in many modern herbal formulas. Be careful, though, as absolute identification of this plant when picking it in the wild, is essential!
Remember the old fashion sarsaparilla drinks served in the western saloons? This plant makes a tasty drink in many forms. Sarsaparilla is a safe steroid substitute for those suffering with ailments such as arthritis.
Spike Lobelia
A trusted old remedy for those suffering from chronic system failure. Very controversial in the modern herbal market. Lobelia should be well researched before attempting to use. Once you understand this master of the plant kingdom, you will revere lobelia as much as the healer Jethro Kloss, author of "Back To Eden". It is useful for asthma suffererers.
This plant friend is a best friend for those desiring to reduce their weight. Chickweed helps to dissolve fat and metabolize it.
Sweet Cicely
Just as the name implies, this herb is sweet and sometimes referred to as "loveroot".
Tall Boneset
White Pond Lily
Wild Yam
A woman's best friend. Wild yam is used in many herbal formulas designed for menopause and the new mother.
Wild Rose
A rose by any other name.......nature's prize!
American Ginseng
Need more energy? Try some ginseng for a quick lift and sustained stamina.

Continue the Healing Journey