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Family in Whispering Prairiesage's Circle
Travel with us around the World and throughout Time. Meet the healers, teachers, wise ones, inventors,
ancients, and modern creators of humanity. Journey with us throughout time and history and explore the circle in the marketplace.

Hi! I'm Captain Jack Ready. I'll be your host on this tour and it's up to me to introduce the other guides for your trip through The Worldwide Marketplace. So brace yourself for adventure, and hang on tight. The ride can be bumpy at times. Oh, and the space trip, it's out of this world!

Meet Mary Ann! She'll be competing in the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City. That's right! You guessed it, she's an ice skating champion. When she's not competing on the ice, she'll be showing you around and taking you to all the best shops in town for outdoor sports supplies. Oh, and her travel tips are the best. Mary Anne is a frequent flier. Be sure to visit her skating boutique on Main Street.

This is Randy Henderson, Research Analyst Extraordinaire! When it comes to product quality and marketing strategy, Randy's our man! He personally monitors the marketplace and exercises strict quality control. Not only is he handy in the office, Randy gives sky diving lessons!

Meet Becky. She is grooming her horse and preparing for the Wild West show! Won't you join her? Pack your saddlebags with the proper equipment. You'll be trekking on some dusty trails! After the show, check out Becky's Western Shop. You might find a new saddle, or a bag for the next trip.

Greetings to Sir Matthew Waldham. He will be your maitre d' as you dine in some of the finest Restaurants in the world. Bring extra napkins. Oh, and tip him well, won't you? There is a tip form in the Restaurant section. Sir Matthew used to work for royalty and it costs the Management a big cut in salary to hire him! After dinner, maybe you want to fly to Rio or the Bahamas?

These are the Worldwide Marketplace's top Executive Panel members. As I mentioned, they took a huge paycut in hiring Sir Matthew. Have any ideas as to how they can salvage the budget and retrieve a pay raise? Please submit to the link. Any questions about the Marketplace should be directed to the panel. I, Jack, am only the tour guide.

Rob and Sue Vacation guides

Henry Oceana